Effective date: 03/11/2022

How can I contact with official developer?

1. Please contact with our customer service by this email, marketing@anicoretech.com
2. Or you can use our Customer Service system in game by clicking the Help button.

How can I avoid the game crashing or freezing?

1. Please ensure that you have downloaded our games from the official platforms. (iOS: App Store; Android: Google Play).
2. After logging into your account, wait patiently for the game to load.
3. Close or uninstall any unnecessary applications and clear the cache.
4. Re-register or reinstall the game
5. Play on stable network conditions.
6. Place your device in a well-cooled area to prevent it from overheating.
7. Make sure you always have the latest version of the game.

Why don't I get the items after purchase?

1. Players can purchase packages or diamonds from the shop, which is the only way to authorise them. If you have purchased an item from somewhere other than the game, unfortunately we are unable to provide you with further assistance as your account is already in breach of our Terms of Service. We reserve the right to prohibit the ordering of Diamond game accounts from third party websites.
2. Orders are usually delivered immediately, but may take longer. If such a delay occurs, the purchase is still being processed. No need to try to buy the same package again - it should arrive soon!
3. If you have not received your purchase by 30 minutes, please contact us via the game and provide a screen shot of your order receipt.

Why is my top-up being overcharged?

The price of a game pack is fixed and is charged by a third party top-up platform (the game will never charge you directly). However, there are three situations where you may think an additional fee has been deducted.
1. Some countries and territories will charge a tax, so the price you see for the package is the sum of the fixed price of the package and the tax.
2. Some platforms (e.g. iTunes) will send users a combined order (current and historical). Therefore, please check whether the orders you see include historical orders and check the actual deductions.
3. If you receive a notification from your bank or top-up platform that you have been asked to pay for more than one pack, please contact us in-game. We will do our best to help you verify this.

How do I get a UR hero?

You can obtain UR Heroes by either evolving from SSSR or by requesting a lifetime supply. Players will need to top up a certain amount to see the UR rewards. We hope you find this helpful, thank you!

What are the roses for?

Roses are not useful at the moment, but we are working on a Rose related feature or event, so please be patient. Thank you!

How do I transform a cell?

The first item you need to transform a cell is a reagent. These can be obtained from the Time Spirit House. The types of reagents are ATK, DEF, SPD and HP. Choose the appropriate reagent to add specific additional attributes to your cells.
Once you have selected the appropriate cell, you will see the materials required for the conversion, from left to right, Melting Value - Gold - Genes. We hope you find this useful. Thank you!

Can I stack the bonuses of my main skin?

Yes, if you have more costumes, you will get more attributes. Thank you!